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It all started with the desire to make a difference in people's lives

Kelem at one of the first fairs as Kelem Coffee
One of Kelem Coffee's first deliveries


Numa reviravolta, aquelas que acontece em nossa vida e vira tudo de perna pra cima, a nossa fundadora, Kelem Toledo, não era lá muito fã de café; para ela, era só mais um hábito diário, nada de extravagâncias. Mas a vida deu uma mudada de rumo quando o seu querido gatinho adoeceu, despertando em Kelem um interesse enorme por nutrição e pela jornada dos alimentos, desde a plantação até como chegam nas prateleiras dos supermercados.

It was during this learning journey that the concept of Special Coffee emerged. Kelem saw it as not just a drink, but an opportunity to offer something meaningful to people, something that could positively impact their lives, both those who consume it and those who produce it. Thus, believing in a fair and sustainable economy, the coffees were created, all from family farming.   Specialty coffee has thus become more than a simple commodity; it was the catalyst for his entrepreneurial mission, a chance to make a difference.

Cat called Ugly, he was the reason why Kelem Coffee exists today.


By sharing this story with us, Kelem reveals not only his passion for coffee, but also his genuine commitment to quality, transparency and consumer well-being. It is through this dedication and integrity that we have built our brand, prioritizing not only the exceptional taste of our products, but also the trust and satisfaction of our customers.

We invite you to be part of this journey with us, to discover not only the delicious aroma and flavor of our specialty coffee, but also the heartfelt and inspiring story behind each cup. Here at Kelem Coffee, we don't just sell coffee; We share an experience, a history and a commitment to excellence. Feel secure in knowing that when you choose our products, you are opting for quality, authenticity and care in every detail.

Kelem Barista at one of the first fairs

By purchasing our coffees, you support agriculture that respects the environment and values farmers.

Get in touch

Menino Deus, Porto Alegre - RS

Tel: (51) 9 9124-4642

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Obrigado pelo envio!

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